School of Humanities

Publications of Zefis Members in 2005

  1. Chihaia, Matei: 'Plectro sabiamente meneado' – der Raum lyrischer Rede in Fray Luis de Leóns 'Vida retirada'. Iberoromania 61, 67-93.
  2. Chihaia, Matei: Kultursemiotik. In: Liebrand, Claudia; Schneider, Irmela et al. (eds.): Einführung in die Medienkulturwissenschaft. Münster: LIT, 68-80.
  3. Göbbel, Edward: Focus in Double Object Constructions. Linguistics 43.2, 237-274.
  4. Jäger, Andreas: Typology of periphrastic ‘do’-constructions. Dissertation, University of Queensland.
  5. Jäger, Andreas: The cross-linguistic function of obligatory ‘do’-periphrasis. In: Mushin, I. (ed.): Proceedings of the 2004 Conference of the Australian Linguistic Society.
  6. Kellermeier-Rehbein, Birte: Areale Wortbildungsvarianten des Standard-deutschen. Beiuntersuchung zum Variantenwörterbuch des Deutschen. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
  7. Schweighöfer, Erich; Liebwald, Doris; Augeneder, Silvia & Thomas Menzel: Effizienz von e-Lösungen in Staat und Gesellschaft: Aktuelle Fragen zur Rechtsinformatik. Boorberg, Stuttgart et al.
  8. Liebwald, Doris: An Evaluation of "New EUR-Lex": All Tasks Achieved and All Problems Solved? MR-Int 3/2005 (European Media, IP & IT Law Review) 156-160. Wien: Medien & Recht (Presentation at the JURIX 2005 EU Info Workshop, Brüssel, december 2005).
  9. Liebwald, Doris: Country Report - Austria (regarding Computer Crimes). In: Handbook of Legislative Procedures of Computer and Network Misuse in EU Countries, Study for the European Commission Directorate-General Information Society, 45-54. RAND Europe & Lawfort, UK.
  10. Liebwald, Doris: Evaluierung neuer juristischer Datenbanken, in: Schweighofer, Erich; Liebwald, Doris; Augeneder, Silvia & Thomas Menzel (eds.): Effizienz von e-Lösungen in Staat und Gesellschaft, Aktuelle Fragen zur Rechtsinformatik, 329-336. Boorberg, Stuttgart et al.
  11. Schweighofer, Erich & Doris Liebwald: LOIS: Juristische Ontologien und Thesauri. In: Schweighofer, Erich; Liebwald, Doris; Augeneder, Silvia & Thomas Menzel (eds.): Effizienz von e-Lösungen in Staat und Gesellschaft, Aktuelle Fragen zur Rechtsinformatik, 79-86. Boorberg, Stuttgart et al.
  12. Schweighofer, Erich & Doris Liebwald: Advanced Lexical Ontologies. In: Lehmann et al (eds.): LOAIT - Legal Ontologies and Artificial Intelligence Techniques, 71-81, IAAIL workshop series. Tilburg: Wolf Legal Publisher.
  13. Dini, Luca; Peters, Wim; Liebwald, Doris; Schweighofer, Erich; Mommers, Laurens & Wom Voermans: ICAIL 2005: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, 163-167. New York: ACM-Press.
  14. Hinterhölzl, Roland & Svetlana Petrova: Rhetorical Relations and Verb Placement in Early Germanic Languages. Evidence from the Old High German Tatian translation (9th century). In: Stede, Manfred; Chiarcos, Christian; Grabski, Michael & Luuk Lagerwerf (eds.): Salience in Discourse. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Discourse, 71–79. Münster: Stichting / Nodus.
  15. Hinterhölzl, Roland; Petrova, Svetlana & Michael Solf: Diskurspragmatische Faktoren für Topikalität und Verbstellung in der althochdeutschen Tatian-übersetzung (9. Jh.). Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS) 3: 143–182.
  16. Inhoff, A.W., Weger, U.W., Radach, R. (2005). Sources of information for the programming of short- and long-range regressions during reading. In
    Underwood, G. (Ed.) Cognitive Processes in Eye Guidance. Oxford University Press.
  17. Inhoff, A. W., Eiter, B. & Radach, R. (2005). Time course of linguistic
    information extraction from consecutive words during eye fixations in
    reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
    Performance, 31(5): 979-995
  18. Yoon, Suwon: Scrambling as a Disambiguation Strategy: On Wh-phrase Scrambling in Korean and Japanese. In: Choi, Kiyong & Changguk Yim (eds.): Ellipsis in minimalism: Proceedings of the 7th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar, 33-44. Seoul, Korea: Hankook Publishing.

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