School of Humanities


  1. 2017c. Verständlichkeit von Gesetzestexten. Talk at the Ü-55-Forschertage der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal, September 2017
  2. 2017b. Verständlichkeit von Gesetzestexten. Invited talk at the Linguistisches Kolloquium der Universität Mainz, June 2017
  3. 2017a. t.b.a. Invited talk at the Workshop Historical Semantics and Legal Interpretation, University of Chicago, May 2017
  4. 2016. Korpuslinguistische Methoden für die Rechtslinguistik - Chancen und Risiken. Invited talk at the Oberseminar am Institut für England- und Amerikastudien der Goethe Universität in Frankfurt am Main, November 2016
  5. 2014b. Indeterminacy in Law. Invited talk at the conference Language in Mind and Society, Radboud University Nijmegen, December 2014.
  6. 2014a. Über Zeit und Tempus in der Sprache. Universität Bochum, May 2014. Invited talk.
  7. 2013b. Explizite Performative. Invited talk at the conference "Performativität in Sprache und Recht", Universität Passau, October 2013.
  8. 2013a. Das EU-Projekt LingLaw. Ein Erfahrungsbericht. Invited talk at EuroConsult Research & Education, Universität Bonn, April 2013.
  9. 2012e. Pragmatik in der Organisationskommunikation. Universität Innsbruck, November 2012. Invited talk.
  10. 2012d. Understanding vagueness in legal texts. Talk at the "Rundgespräch" at DFG Bonn for the XPRAG.DE Schwerpunktprogramm (SPP Antrag 1727: New Pragmatic Theories based on Experimental Evidence). Invited talk.
  11. 2012c. Quoting at court. Talk at ICQM 3 (Quoting Now and Then - 3rd International Conference on Quotation and Meaning), April 2012 in Augsburg.
  12. 2012b. Interdisciplinarity as a useful prerequisite of success in MC actions. Invited talk at TU Dortmund, ScienceCareerNet Ruhr, Januar 2012.
  13. 2012a. Vague terms in EU law. Invited talk at the conference Vague language - vague law?, January 2012 at Universität Freiburg.
  14. 2011d. Das Wuppertaler ZefiS – interdisziplinäre Rahmenbedingungen als Voraussetzung von Individualmaßnahmen. Invited talk at an event of the Mi-nisterium für Innovation, Wissenschaft und Forschung in NRW (MIWF), November 2011 in Dusseldorf.
  15. 2011c. Ambiguitätsprobleme unter Mehrsprachigkeitsbedingungen. Invited talk at the interdisciplinary graduate school in Tubingen „Dimensionen der Ambiguität“. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, November 2011.
  16. 2011b. Pragmatische Organisationskommunikation. TU Chemnitz, October 2011. Invited talk.
  17. 2011a. Linguistik und das LingLaw-Projekt. Akademiekonferenz „Sprache – Recht – Gesellschaft“ im Rahmen des Forums Junge Wissenschaft, Juli 2011, Hamburg. Invited talk.
  18. 2010. The Past Participle in German. Università degli studi di Verona, March 2010. Invited talk.
  19. 2009d. Die Semantik von deverbalen Nominalisierungen. Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, October 2009. Invited talk.
  20. 2009c. Multilingualism and Law. Focus Lecture at Osnabrück Summer School on Law, Language and Culture, August 2009.
  21. 2009b. Mehrsprachigkeit und Recht. Technische Universität Berlin, July 2009. Invited talk.
  22. 2009a. Deutsch/Englische Übersetzungsbeispiele im Spannungsfeld von Textsortenkonventionen und Kulturen. Universität Zittau/Görlitz, April 2009. (Application for a W2-Professorship in German and English Linguistics/Anglistics/DaF).
  23. 2008f. Zur Morphophonologie des Partizips II im Deutschen. Universität Bielefeld, November 2008. (Application for a W3-Professorship in German Linguistics).
  24. 2008e. Zur Morphophonologie des Partizips II im Deutschen. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, June 2008. (Application for a W3-Professorship in German linguistics, Nachfolge Prof. Theo Vennemann).
  25. 2008d. Das englische Gerund und das deutsche -ung-Nomen: Sprachvergleichend-diachrone Überlegungen. Universität Bamberg, May 2008. Invited talk.
  26. 2008c. Universität Bamberg, 30. annual meeting at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, (with Renate Musan and Rolf Thieroff) Organisation of the workshop TENSE ACROSS LANGUAGES, February 2008.
  27. 2008b. Formal Linguistics and Law. Talk at the 11. annual meeting at IRIS (International Symposion of legal informatics), Universität Salzburg, February 2008.
  28. 2008a. Linguistische Verständlichkeitsforschung für Juristen. Universität Düsseldorf, January 2008. Invited talk.
  29. 2007f. Zur Morphophonologie des Partizips II im Deutschen. Bergische Universität Wuppertal, December 2007. Lecture (Application for a W2- Professorship in German Linguistics).
  30. 2007e. Deverbal nominalizations in German and English. Talk at the Workshop Nominalizations across languages. Universität Stuttgart, December 2007.
  31. 2007d. Universität Stuttgart, sponsored by the DFG (GZ 4851/339/07), (with Artemis Alexiadou) Organization of the international workshop NOMINALIZATIONS ACROSS LANGUAGES, November/December 2007.
  32. 2007c. Nominalized Infinitives and -ung-nominalizations in German. Talk at SINN UND BEDEUTUNG 12, Universität Oslo, September 2007.
  33. 2007b. Adjectival Passives across Languages. Colloquium lecture at the Department of Foreign Literatures and Linguistics, Ben-Gurion-University of the Negev, March 2007. Invited talk.
  34. 2007a. Patterns of Nominalizations in Competition. Talk at the 29th annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Siegen, February 2007.
  35. 2006g. Psycholinguistik im Bereich Sprache und Recht. Universität Göttingen, November 2006. Talk (Application for a W1 Juniorprofessur Deutsche Philologie, Sprachwissenschaft).
  36. 2006f. Zur Syntax des deutschen Mittelfelds. Universität Göttingen, November 2006. Lehrprobe (Application for a W1 Juniorprofessur Deutsche Philologie, Sprachwissenschaft).
  37. 2006e. Models of text comprehension: applications for the legal domain. Talk at the IAFL Conference (International Association of Forensic Linguists), Barcelona, September 2006.
  38. 2006d. The linguistic historiography of nominalizations. Talk at XVIII. International Colloquium of the STUDIENKREIS GESCHICHTE DER SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT, Leiden, June.
  39. 2006c. Comprehensibility as a clue to L'altérité de l'autre. THE LANGUAGE AND THE LAW CONFERENCE, Universität Düsseldorf in cooperation with UCLA, Düsseldorf, May 2006.
  40. 2006b. Morphosyntax deverbaler Nominalisierungen im Deutschen und Englischen. Universität Potsdam, March 2006.
  41. 2006a. Universität Bielefeld, 28. annual meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, (with Günther Grewendorf) Organisation of the workgroup SPRACHE UND RECHT, February 2006.
  42. 2005g. The composition of participles. Poster at DÉCEMBRETTES, Toulouse, December 2005.
  43. 2005f. Opening (with Anastasia Giannakidou). Talk at the workshop QP structure, nominalizations, and the role of DP. Universität Saarbrücken, December 2005.
  44. 2005e. Universität Saarbrücken, Sponsored by the DFG (GZ 4851/179/05), (with Anastasia Giannakidou) Wissenschaftliche Organisation of the workshop QP STRUCTURE, NOMINALIZATIONS, AND THE ROLE OF DP, December 2005.
  45. 2005d. The status of nominalizations in grammar. Talk at ICHoLS (International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences) X, Urbana, Illinois, September 2005.
  46. 2005c. Die historische Entwicklung des Gerunds. Talk at Linguistisches Kolloquium der Germanistik, Universität Saarbrücken, July 2005.
  47. 2005b. Rechtsverständlichkeit. WORKSHOP SPRACHE DES RECHTS, Universität des Saarlandes (legal informatics/ translation science), June 2005. Invited talk.
  48. 2005a. Zustandspassive. 14. WUPPERTALER LINGUISTISCHES KOLLOQUIUM, Universität Wuppertal, June 2005. Invited talk.
  49. 2004d. Nominalisierungen im Deutschen und Englischen: Sprachgeschichte und Morphologie. Poster at the GK-Satzarten Berichtskolloquium, Universität Frankfurt, December 2004.
  50. 2004c. The historical development of -ung/-ing nominalizations in German and English. Talk at the THE LEXICON, Turku, November 2004.
  51. 2004b. Sprechakte und Modalität: die Quasi-Assertionen. Jobtalk am GK Satzarten, Universiät Frankfurt, April 2004.
  52. 2004a. The Passive and Tense. Talk at the 21st SCANDINAVIAN CONFERENCE OF LINGUISTICS, Helsinki, January 2004.
  53. 2003d. Die Tempus-Typologie der germanischen Sprachen. Talk at the GERMAN COMPARATIVE LINGUISTICS AND LITERATURE, Sevilla, December 2003.
  54. 2003c. Meine Auffassungen zum Perfekt. PERFEKT-WORKSHOP, Universität Stuttgart, November 2003. Invited talk.
  55. 2003b. Optimalitätstheorie für Temporaladverbien. Universität Leipzig, October 2003. Invited talk.
  56. 2003a. Elements of the Morpho-Phonology of Estonian. Poster at the 5ème COLLOQUE DU GDR PHONOLOGIE, Montpellier, June 2003.
  57. 2002e. Universal and Existential Perfect in German. Talk at SINN & BEDEUTUNG VII, Konstanz, October 2002.
  58. 2002d. The Perfect in German: about the interaction of the Perfect with durative adverbs. Talk at (PREFERABLY) NON-LEXICAL SEMANTICS 2002, University of Paris 7, Paris, June 2002.
  59. 2002c. The morphology of German past participles. Poster at CLS 38 (Chicago Linguistic Society), Chicago, April 2002.
  60. 2002b. Textures of Time: Extended-Now and Duration in the Domain of Adverbs. Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago, April 2002. Invited talk.
  61. 2002a. Adverbien und Perfekt. Lecture at the Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen, January 2002.
  62. 2001b. Datentypen in der Tempusforschung: Das Perfekt. Lecture at the SFB441-Berichtskolloquium, Universität Tübingen, September 2001 (with Graham Katz).
  63. 2001a. Universität Tübingen, Sponsored by the DFG (GZ 4851/212/01), Organisation of the international workshop PARTICIPLES, April 2001.
  64. 2000e. The distribution of inflectional in German complex verbs. Talk at the 35th Linguistisches Kolloquium, Innsbruck, September 2000.
  65. 2000d. Superheavies and cogrammars. Talk at IATL (Israeli Association of Theoretical Linguistics), Tel Aviv, June 2000.
  66. 2000c. About the interaction of the Perfect with adverbs. Takl at THE PERFECT WORKSHOP, University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, May 2000.
  67. 2000b. Syllable structure and stress in Estonian. Talk at the 18th SCANDINAVIAN CONFERENCE OF LINGUISTICS, Lund, May 2000.
  68. 2000a. The Perfect in German. Talk at the 24th PENN LINGUISTICS COLLOQUIUM, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February 2000.
  69. 1999d. A semantics for durative adverbs. Talk at CONSOLE VIII, Vienna, December 1999.
  70. 1999c. Eine korpusbasierte Analyse des deutschen Perfekts. Talk at the SFB441-Kolloquium, Universität Tübingen, November 1999.
  71. 1999b. Universal and existential Perfect in German. Talk at SINN & BEDEUTUNG IV, Dusseldorf, October 1999.
  72. 1999a. Perfekt und Präteritum im Deutschen: Die Kompositionalität von Tempus, Negation und Temporaladverbien. Talk at Seminar für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Tübingen, May 1999.

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